This past Sunday we were back at the local game store, Critical Hit, to play the seventh game in the store's Frostgrave campaign. There were six of us playing, and we played on a 4'x6' table. We did a scenario this time designed by one of the players. In this scenario there were three portals on the table through which demons were passing each turn. At the end of every turn one of the players rolled a d20 for each portal, and depending on the result: an Imp, Minor Demon or Major Demon came through the portal that turn. Players got 10 Experience Points for killing a Minor Demon, and 20 EP for killing a Major Demon. Also, when a Major Demon was killed it dropped a treasure token. Becuase the Major Demons were going to be dropping treasure tokens, we began the game by placing just 2 regular treasure tokens per player. We then chose starting locations based on player's level; letting the lowest level wizard choose first, and then working up to the highest level. I was at level 11 going into this game which put me choosing next to last. This resulted with me starting between an Enchanter to my left and a Necromancer to my right.
A view of the table. I was set up in the middle along the closest edge. |
It was a good outing for me with my wizard, the Elven Chronomancer Colonel Albadon Greyrain, and his Apprentice, Guenevere Kirov, casting 11 spells between them. The highlight being my Apprentice taking out the Enchanter with one shot from an
Elemental Bolt spell. The warband was also able to recover 3 treasures. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) my warband was never able to get near any of the portals, nor any of the demons, so I did not get any treasure or Experience that way.
My starting position. My Wizard, Man-at-Arms, Marksman, and Ranger are on the left; Apprentice, Knight, another Marksman, and a Treasure Hunter are on the right. In the center are the Templar and another Man-at-Arms. |
My Apprentice struggled with her spell casting a bit, and ended up sacrificing a lot of health to "push" some spells. She also ended up raking a few points of damage from failed spells. She ended up down to 1 Health Point, and was just 2 inches from getting off the table when she was hit by a long shot (exactly 24"!) from one of the Enchanter's archers, which put her out of the game. Luckily after the game she made a full recovery. Also brought down during the game were my Templar, Brother Austex, and the newly minted Man-at-Arms, Lindfor. The Templar ultimately survived the battle, the Man-at-Arms was killed.
At the end of Turn 1, the Wizard has used Leap to get the MAA up to the roof of the tower to recover the treasure there, while he, the Ranger, and the Marksman move off to the left. The Apprentice, Knight, and Treasure Hunter move right, after the Apprentice fails to Leap the Treasure Hunter up onto the ruin on the right (and takes 2 damage from a spectacular fail at that), and are joined by the Templar. The other Man-at-Arms and the other Marksman move up the center. |
I did pretty well with treasure rolls, getting 100 Gold Coins, Grimoires of
Bone Dart and
Fast Act, and a Staff of Casting
Elemental Bolt. My total for experience, including the 20 EP I get for my Laboratory base, was 280. This was enough, along with experience left from last game, to give me three levels. I used those levels to add 1 to my Health Points, reduce casting on Elemental Bolt, and learn my new
Fast Act Grimoire.
After the Enchanter (standing behind the wall in the graveyard) shoots a Bone Dart at my Knight (and misses), my wizard retaliates with an Elemental Bolt, but misses, as does the Marksman, Sgt LeClerc. |
While the Knight fights off an Imp, my Apprentice turns cooly and fires an Elemental Bolt at the Enchanter as well. And while she has to sacrifice a Health Point to push the casting, she rolls a 17 for the attack, killing the Enchanter in one shot. |
With the Enchanter put out of action, my Templar, Ranger, and Man at Arms pile into the graveyard to try and get the treasure there. They are opposed by two of the Enchanter's soldiers, and make the mistake of piling up on one, hoping to kill him in one swift attack, but don't; allowing the other enemy soldier to grab the treasure and make his way out of the graveyard. Eventually, with the enemy soldier slowed by the treasure, they are able to over take him and recover the treasure for themselves, but at the loss of both the Man-at-Arms, and the Templar. |
Meanwhile, over on the right a wandering Snow Troll, has approached my Apprentice and Knight. As the Knight bravely throws herself in the troll's path, my Apprentice, who has already hit the troll once with an Elemental Bolt, is able to take cover behind a wall from where she fires another Elemental Bolt, rolling a 16 attack and frying the troll to a crisp. Out of view, my Treasure Hunter is up in the ruin above them, fighting ing one of the Necromancer's Thieves for the treasure there. |
End of game shot. After successfully stealing the graveyard treasure from the Enchanter's men, and recovering the one from the tower, and the ruin on the right, my group ends up with 3 treasures. My Apprentice, Templar, and one of the Man-at-Arms have fallen during the game, but luckily the Apprentice and Templar make a full recovery. |
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